on 5 Aug 2011 in Loksabha SHRIMATI SUSHMA SWARAJ called the attention of the Minister of Home Affairs to the situation arising out of delay in creation of Telangana State and steps taken by the Government in this regard.
THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM) said in response that Hon. Members are aware of the circumstances under which the Government of India set up a five member Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice (Retd.) B.N. Srikrishna in February 2010. The Committee was requested to hold consultations with all sections of the people and all political parties and groups in Andhra Pradesh to examine the situation in the State of Andhra Pradesh with reference to the demand for a separate State of Telangana as well as the demand for maintaining the present status of a united Andhra Pradesh. This Committee submitted its report on December 30, 2010. In its report, the Committee has listed the following six solutions/possible options as the way
(i) Maintaining status quo,
(ii) Bifurcation of the State into Seemandhra and Telangana, with Hyderabad as a Union Territory and the two States developing their own capitals in due course,
(iii Bifurcation of the State into Rayala-Telangana and coastal Andhra regions with Hyderabad being an integral part of Rayala-Telangana,
(iv) Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh into Seemandhra and Telangana with enlarged Hyderabad Metropolis as a separate Union Territory . This Union Territory will have geographical linkage and contiguity viaNalgonda district in the southeast Guntur in coastal Andhra and viaMahboobnagar district in the south to Kurnool district in Rayalaseema,
(v) Bifurcation of the State into Telangana and Seemandhra as per existing boundaries with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana and Seemandhra to have a new capital,
(vi) Keeping the State united by simultaneously providing certain definite Constitutional/Statutory measures for socio-economic development and political empowerment of Telangana region - creation of a statutorily empowered Telangana Regional Council.
Following the submission of the report, I convened a meeting of all the major political parties represented in the Andhra Pradesh State Legislature on January 6, 2011 and requested them to consider the report of the Justice Srikrishna Committee and form an opinion in this regard.
The consultation process with various political parties of Andhra Pradesh is continuing. A suitable decision will be taken in the light of these discussions. The Government of India is keeping a close watch on the political developments as well as on the law and order situation in the State.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh requested the Government of India to consider the demand to delete paragraph 14(f) of the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order 1975. Under paragraph 14(f) of the Order, any post of Police Officer, as defined in section 3 (b) of the Hyderabad City Police Act, 1348 F, is exempted from the purview of aforesaid Order. This implied that Hyderabad City would be a 'free zone' for the purpose of recruitment to the police.
The deletion of paragraph 14(f) would include Hyderabad city in Zone VI for the
purpose of recruitment to the police of the city. The Chief Minister commended the
resolution of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly dated March 18, 2010 that
supported deletion of paragraph 14(f).
After careful consideration, Government has decided to recommend to the
President that clause (f) of paragraph 14 of the Andhra Pradesh Public
Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment Order, 1975 may be deleted subject to the Resolution on the subject earlier passed
being re-iterated by the Legislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh. The decision of
the Government was communicated to the State Government on July 13, 2011 for
suitable action.
The Chief Minister, vide letter dated August 1, 2011, has informed the
Government of India that the earlier resolution of the Legislative Assembly dated
March 18, 2010 still holds good and there is no change in the composition of the
Legislative Assembly. He has, therefore, requested that a recommendation may be
made to the President on the basis of the resolution of March 18, 2010. The matter
is under active consideration.
The Government would like to make an earnest appeal to all sections of the
people in Andhra Pradesh that they should allow the consultation process to reach
its logical conclusion. Meanwhile, the Government would like to reiterate the
appeal issued at the end of the all party meeting on January 6, 2011 that 'peace,
harmony, and law and order should be maintained in the State of Andhra Pradesh .'
Responding to the points raised by Shrimati Sushma Swaraj, Shri
Gurudas Dasgupta, Shri Sarvey Satyanarayana and Dr. K.S. Rao, the
Minister further stated: There are a very large number of people in Andhra
Pradesh who are divided on this issue and nothing should be said and done in the
Parliament that will inflame passions there. My effort from the very beginning has
been that the solution to the problem must come from the people of Andhra
Pradesh and the Government of India can only facilitate the solution. The hon. Leader of the Opposition has referred the Report of the States Reorganisation
Commission, the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1956, the introduction of Article 371
(1) of the Constitution, the six-point formula of 1973, the introduction of 371 (d), and the elections to the State Assembly in May, 2009. All this is a part of the long
history. But there is also a more recent history. As recently as December 7, 2009,
there was a Business Advisory Committee meeting followed by an All-Party
meeting in Hyderabad . It is based on the minutes of those meetings that the
Government of India , through me, made an announcement on December 9. But
shortly after that statement was made on December 9, the situation at the ground
altered. The principal political party in Andhra Pradesh and the principal
Opposition party in Andhra Pradesh divided. And when they divided, the
Government of India was obliged to take notice of that fact and then we made a
statement on December, 23. After that, the Srikrishna Committee was appointed
and the Committee is the authors of the Report. The distinguished Judge, Justice
Srikirshna has adhered to the Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference did
require the Srikirshna Committee to explore the options that are available in order
to find a way forward and they have given six options. But I cannot clarify why
the Justice Sri Krishna Committee added the Chapter VIII and said, “this Chapter
may be classified as secret.” Whether it should be made public or not, it is a
matter, which is sub judice in the Andhra Pradesh High Court. A young boy
comes to Delhi . It is reported that there is a death. Police are investigating it. It is
suspected to be a case of suicide. There is a suspicion that the note reportedly or allegedly written by him was in his pocket. The matter is under investigation.
Every death in such circumstances saddens us; it diminishes each one of us. We
all should appeal to the youth of Andhra Pradesh not to take these extreme steps.
The hon. Leader of the Opposition asked us to bring a Bill and they will support.
That is her party’s political position. The Government have to follow a particular
process in order to find the solution, and in that process, it will certainly take note
of the position the principle Opposition Party in the Lok Sabha today maintains
that Telangana should be created. There are eight recognized political parties in
Andhra Pradesh. Three parties, the BJP, TRS, and CPI are clearly for Telangana.
One Party, the CPI(M), is opposed to the creation of Telangana. The TDP is
divided and four out of eight parties have not yet reached a final conclusion. We
are urging the parties to kindly complete your process of consultation quickly so
that we can call an all party meeting and we can take a decision based upon what
they report to us at the meeting. It may take a few weeks and it may take three
months. But, we must be patient. This involves the future of about 12 crore
people in Andhra Pradesh. In the meanwhile,he appeal to the people of
Andhra Pradesh, especially the young men and women to maintain peace and
harmony until they come to a conclusion.
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