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Thursday, April 18, 2013

In a hot summer to remember

 • Athletes and teams competing in the Games will experience hot dry conditions, with afternoon highs of around 35°C;

• As always for hot conditions, keep athletes well hydrated (a clear, pale urine color suggests a good hydration level) and cool prior to competition;

• Keeping athletes out of direct sunlight (radiative heat energy) prior to performing their event in outdoor conditions will lower the athlete’s heat load (dry heat su
pports better sweat evaporation compared to humid conditions – find shade);

• A new practical pre-cooling technique involving the ingestion of ~500‐600ml of an ice slurry drink 30‐45 minutes prior to exercise in the heat appears to be a practical intervention that could give our New Zealand athletes an advantage in a number of events contested in hot conditions – consider whether your athletes might benefit;

• About a 7‐d period of heat exposure should be considered for athletes coming from cool New Zealand prior to performing in hot Delhi;

• Singapore represents a practical stopover due to its warm temperatures for training and acclimating, its relatively clean air, food and water, and the fact that it’s on the way for New Zealand athletes traveling from New Zealand – book your hotel and training venues early;

• Attempt to arrive in Delhi as close to the event as logically possible in order to limit exposure to the polluted environment;

• Avoid training in early mornings in Delhi when pollution levels are at their peak (due to evening local home heating and cooking with open fires);

• Avoid peak hour traffic and long periods of time in vehicles when possible;

• Ensure that visits to local markets and cultural Indian experiences are done after the athlete’s competition schedule is completed.

If I had another Life

If God, for a second, forgot what I have become and granted me a little bit more of life, I would use it to the best of my ability.

I wouldn't possibly, say everything that is in my mind, but I would be more thoughtful of all I say…I would give merit to things not for what they are worth, but for what they mean to express..

I would sleep less, I would dream more, because I know that for every minute that we close our eyes, we waste 60 seconds of light.

I would walk while others stop; I would awake while others sleep.

If God would give me a little bit more of life, I would dress in a simple manner, I would place myself in front of the sun, leaving not only my body, but my soul naked at its mercy….

To all , I would say how mistaken they are when they think that they stop falling in love when they grow old, without knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love….

I would give wings to children, but I would leave it to them to learn how to fly by themselves.

To old people I would say that death doesn't arrive when they grow old, but with forgetfulness.

I have learned so much with you all, I have learned that everybody wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is obtained in the journey taken & the form used to reach the top of the hill.

I have learned that when a newborn baby holds, with its little hand,his father's finger, it has trapped him for the rest of his life.

I have learned that a man has the right and obligation to look down at another man, only when that man needs help to get up from the ground..

Say always what you feel, not what you think. If I knew that today is the last time that that I am going to see you asleep, I would hug you with all my strength and I would pray to the Lord to let me be the guardian angel of your soul….

If I knew that these are the last moments to see you, I would say "I love you".

There is always tomorrow, and life gives us another opportunity to do things right, but in case I am wrong, and today is all that is left to me, I would love to tell you how much I love you & that I will never forget you.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone, young or old. Today could be the last time to see your loved ones, which is why you mustn't wait; do it today, in case tomorrow never arrives. I am sure you will be sorry you wasted the opportunity today to give a smile, a hug, a kiss, and that you were too busy to grant them their last wish.

Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them. Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them "I am sorry";" forgive me"," please“, "thank you", and all those loving words you know!
Nobody will know you for your secret thought. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to express them.

Show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you.

For you, With much love,
Your Friend, Vishwajeet Singh

Interview Sucks!!

  • Everyone is nervous on interviews.
  • If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you’ll do much better.
  • Remember also that it’s difficult for the interviewer as well. In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
  • Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
  • Don’t try to memorize answers word for word. don’t be afraid to include your own thoughts and words. To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer.
  • Rehearse your answers frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews.
  • The single most important strategy in interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is what we call: "The Greatest Executive Job Finding Secret." And that is...
  • Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.
  • Find out what an employer wants most in his or her ideal candidate, then show how you meet those qualifications.

Twitter - tweet now

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a free micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets answer the fundamental question “What are you doing?” In its most simplistic form this can be a one or two word answer, but when developed this is a tool that lends itself to developing understanding and starting collaboration. Conversation and collaboration can be carried out in real time (synchronous) or over time (asynchronous). It is often described as filling the gap between email and instant messaging. Each message or ‘tweet’ is no more than 200 characters in length and may include a link to a web site, article, blog and so on. To use Twitter, you need access to the Internet either from a computer or mobile phone. 

How can I use Twitter?

·Develop your own knowledge by sharing ideas, opinions and resources from a group of people that you have chosen to follow and who follow you. Reflect on your practice and compare and contrast with experiences of other people in your group.
·   Connect your message and your brand to what is taking place now.
·   Gather market intelligence.· Keep up to date with news and important changes in your field by following appropriate influences and media outlets.

Set up a Twitter account
How to get started·   
  Create an account at ·  Add a picture of yourself. People like to see who they are talking to.
·  Find people to follow (see below).
·  Simply read what others say to start with.
· When you’re ready, respond, ask questions, start conversations with people about their interests.
·     Share links to things of interest.

Twitter Language 

  • A comment is called a Tweet.  It is 140 characters long.  You can tweet as often as you want.
  • Following somebody on Twitter simply means receiving their Twitter updates.  You will receive a message in your Twitter home page in real time, every time the person you are following posts a message.
  • To reply to a follower and/or mention them in your tweet, use their  @ Twitter name.
  • Remember, every tweet you write can be seen by the ‘whole world’, but chances are only your followers will care about it.
  •  To send a ‘direct message’ or Tweet that only the intended recipient will see, use D at the start of your message.
  • To follow somebody, click on their name and press ‘follow’. If you no longer want to receive their updates, click ‘unfollow’ or ‘block’ to stop them following you.
  •   Links to websites in your tweets are automatically shortened to reduce characters.
  • RT or retweet is a way of ‘forwarding’ interesting tweets made by others  to your followers.
  • Hash tags # are used to tag tweets and make searching easier.  Hash tags are often used in conferences or by businesses to group all relevant tweets.
Find people to follow by:·   
    Searching by name for people you know on Twitter.
·  Click on people you are following and see who they follow.
· Use  and search with keywords.Best practice for business(adapted from·        Share Share photos and behind the scenes info about your business/interests. Even better, give a glimpse of developing projects and events. Users come to Twitter to get and share the latest!
·   Listen Regularly monitor the comments about your company, brand, interests and products.
·  Ask Ask questions of your followers to glean valuable insights and show that you are listening.
·   Respond Respond to compliments and feedback in real time
·   Reward Tweet updates about special offers, discounts and time-sensitive deals.
·   Demonstrate wider leadership and know-how. Reference articles and links about the bigger picture as it relates to your business.
·   Champion your stakeholders  Retweet and reply publicly to great tweets posted by your followers and customers.

Establish the right voice Twitter users tend to prefer a direct, genuine, and of course, a likable tone from your business, but think about your voice as you Tweet. How do you want your business to appear to the Twitter community?

शिविर : आओ अपने व्यक्तिमत्त्व को ढाले

आपके बच्चो ने जीवन में आज तक जो भी कमाया हैं. उससे भी ज्यादा क्षमता और ऊर्जा उसमे हैं परन्तु सुप्त अवस्था में हैं और यह उसे भी नहीं मालूम हैं. उसमे छिपी हुई प्रचंड उर्जा का इस्तेमाल उसका व समाज का जीवन समृद्ध करने के लिए हो सकता हैं. जरुरत हैं तो सिर्फ एक चिंगारी की, उस उर्जा को प्रज्वलित करने के लिए एक स्पार्क की. इसी स्पार्क के लिए आयोजित किए जाते हैं शिविर.

जीतने के लिए खुद को तैयार करने के लिए अपने गुणों की, शक्तिस्थानो की व क्षमता की सदैव खोज करनी पड़ती हैं और उन्हें प्रयत्नपूर्वक विकसित करना पड़ता हैं.  शिविर में शिबिरार्थी प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव के द्वारा जीतने के लिए खुद को विकसित करने का प्रयत्न करते हैं.

शिबिरार्थियों को विचार करने के लिए प्रवुत्त करने वाला, आत्मपरीक्षण, संवेदना तीक्ष्ण करनेवाला कृतिपूर्ण शिबिर हैं. आज के युग में चारो तरफ गुणों की स्पर्धा को पूर्णतः दूर करके जीतने के लिए खुद की खोज करनेवाला यह आनंददायी उपक्रम हैं.

शिबिर का स्वरुप कैसा होना चाहिए:  टाइट कार्यक्रम व डिसिप्लिन नही होना चाहिए. प्रातःकाल के दरम्यान सत्रों का आयोजन उचित प्रकार से होना चाहिए जिसकारण शिबिरार्थी का मन, शरीर, और वैचारिक विकास सम्बंधित प्रक्रियाएं होनी चाहिए. संध्याकाल का समय पूर्णतः विविध कार्य पूर्ण करने के लिए हो. दोपहर में वाचन, खेल, मुक्त चर्चा का कार्यक्रम हो. प्रत्यक्ष कृतिपुरक अनुभव देने वाले विविध प्रोजेक्ट शिबिरार्थी स्वतः पूर्ण करें. इसी आधार पर प्रत्येक प्रोजेक्ट में से क्या सिखा, इस विषय पर चर्चा व विश्लेषण द्वारा विचारो की स्पष्टता व प्रगल्भता अपने आप  प्रशिक्षनार्थी को हो जाएगी.

शिबिर का उद्देश्य : शिबिर पूर्ण करने पर शिबिरार्थी में  वर्तन  व परिवर्तन दिखे और उसमे वैचारिक स्पष्ठता का भी सृजन दिखाई पडे जिसकारण शिबिरार्थी का जीवन सकारात्मक तौर से आनंददायी हो सके.

जीवन का लक्ष्य? करियर कौनसे व कैसे चुनना चाहिए?  निर्धारित लक्ष्य को पूर्ण करने के लिए खुद को कैसे तैयार करना चाहिए?  स्वतः में निहित गुण व् दोषों की खोज कैसे करनी हैं? अपने गुण और दोषों का निराकरण कैसे करे?
मानसिक बल तथा आत्मविश्वास को कैसे विकसित करे?
समय का उचित व्यवस्थापन किस प्रकार करे?
वाचन,  डायरी लेखन,  मुलाखत लेना
आहार व्यायाम विषयक संकल्पना की स्पष्ठता के लिए प्रात्यक्षिक
मार्केटिंग, व्यापार, पुस्तके विक्री, अपने से भी ज्यादा जरुरतमंद तथा दुखी लोगो को ढूँढना, विविध संस्था व उपक्रम को भेंट.

 सुचना: शिबिर की सहभाग  शुल्क : तथा भोजन -निवास व्यवस्था सह सभी प्रकार की व्यवस्था पूर्ण करके ही शिबिर में सहभागी होना चाहिए.
शिबिर शुरू होने के एक घंटा पहले ही शिबिर स्थान पर पहुंचे. शिबिर की समाप्ति के दिन तथा वापस लौटने का पूर्ण व्यवस्था के साथ ही शिबिर की शुरुआत करे.

साथ में आवश्यक वस्तुएं : खुद के कपडे, आवश्यक सामान, दवाई, दो चादरे, स्कार्फ/ टोपी, पानी की बोतल, नोटबुक, पेन, ग्लास, कटोरी, थाली, टूथपेस्ट, साबुन इत्यादि आवश्यक वस्तुए साथ में अवश्य रखे.

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In a hot summer to remember

8:12:00 PM Reporter: Vishwajeet Singh 0 Responses
 • Athletes and teams competing in the Games will experience hot dry conditions, with afternoon highs of around 35°C;

• As always for hot conditions, keep athletes well hydrated (a clear, pale urine color suggests a good hydration level) and cool prior to competition;

• Keeping athletes out of direct sunlight (radiative heat energy) prior to performing their event in outdoor conditions will lower the athlete’s heat load (dry heat su
pports better sweat evaporation compared to humid conditions – find shade);

• A new practical pre-cooling technique involving the ingestion of ~500‐600ml of an ice slurry drink 30‐45 minutes prior to exercise in the heat appears to be a practical intervention that could give our New Zealand athletes an advantage in a number of events contested in hot conditions – consider whether your athletes might benefit;

• About a 7‐d period of heat exposure should be considered for athletes coming from cool New Zealand prior to performing in hot Delhi;

• Singapore represents a practical stopover due to its warm temperatures for training and acclimating, its relatively clean air, food and water, and the fact that it’s on the way for New Zealand athletes traveling from New Zealand – book your hotel and training venues early;

• Attempt to arrive in Delhi as close to the event as logically possible in order to limit exposure to the polluted environment;

• Avoid training in early mornings in Delhi when pollution levels are at their peak (due to evening local home heating and cooking with open fires);

• Avoid peak hour traffic and long periods of time in vehicles when possible;

• Ensure that visits to local markets and cultural Indian experiences are done after the athlete’s competition schedule is completed.


If I had another Life

8:09:00 PM Reporter: Vishwajeet Singh 0 Responses

If God, for a second, forgot what I have become and granted me a little bit more of life, I would use it to the best of my ability.

I wouldn't possibly, say everything that is in my mind, but I would be more thoughtful of all I say…I would give merit to things not for what they are worth, but for what they mean to express..

I would sleep less, I would dream more, because I know that for every minute that we close our eyes, we waste 60 seconds of light.

I would walk while others stop; I would awake while others sleep.

If God would give me a little bit more of life, I would dress in a simple manner, I would place myself in front of the sun, leaving not only my body, but my soul naked at its mercy….

To all , I would say how mistaken they are when they think that they stop falling in love when they grow old, without knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love….

I would give wings to children, but I would leave it to them to learn how to fly by themselves.

To old people I would say that death doesn't arrive when they grow old, but with forgetfulness.

I have learned so much with you all, I have learned that everybody wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is obtained in the journey taken & the form used to reach the top of the hill.

I have learned that when a newborn baby holds, with its little hand,his father's finger, it has trapped him for the rest of his life.

I have learned that a man has the right and obligation to look down at another man, only when that man needs help to get up from the ground..

Say always what you feel, not what you think. If I knew that today is the last time that that I am going to see you asleep, I would hug you with all my strength and I would pray to the Lord to let me be the guardian angel of your soul….

If I knew that these are the last moments to see you, I would say "I love you".

There is always tomorrow, and life gives us another opportunity to do things right, but in case I am wrong, and today is all that is left to me, I would love to tell you how much I love you & that I will never forget you.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone, young or old. Today could be the last time to see your loved ones, which is why you mustn't wait; do it today, in case tomorrow never arrives. I am sure you will be sorry you wasted the opportunity today to give a smile, a hug, a kiss, and that you were too busy to grant them their last wish.

Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them. Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them "I am sorry";" forgive me"," please“, "thank you", and all those loving words you know!
Nobody will know you for your secret thought. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to express them.

Show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you.

For you, With much love,
Your Friend, Vishwajeet Singh


Interview Sucks!!

8:06:00 PM Reporter: Vishwajeet Singh 0 Responses

  • Everyone is nervous on interviews.
  • If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you’ll do much better.
  • Remember also that it’s difficult for the interviewer as well. In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
  • Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
  • Don’t try to memorize answers word for word. don’t be afraid to include your own thoughts and words. To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer.
  • Rehearse your answers frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews.
  • The single most important strategy in interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is what we call: "The Greatest Executive Job Finding Secret." And that is...
  • Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.
  • Find out what an employer wants most in his or her ideal candidate, then show how you meet those qualifications.


Twitter - tweet now

7:17:00 PM Reporter: Vishwajeet Singh 0 Responses
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a free micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets answer the fundamental question “What are you doing?” In its most simplistic form this can be a one or two word answer, but when developed this is a tool that lends itself to developing understanding and starting collaboration. Conversation and collaboration can be carried out in real time (synchronous) or over time (asynchronous). It is often described as filling the gap between email and instant messaging. Each message or ‘tweet’ is no more than 200 characters in length and may include a link to a web site, article, blog and so on. To use Twitter, you need access to the Internet either from a computer or mobile phone. 

How can I use Twitter?

·Develop your own knowledge by sharing ideas, opinions and resources from a group of people that you have chosen to follow and who follow you. Reflect on your practice and compare and contrast with experiences of other people in your group.
·   Connect your message and your brand to what is taking place now.
·   Gather market intelligence.· Keep up to date with news and important changes in your field by following appropriate influences and media outlets.

Set up a Twitter account
How to get started·   
  Create an account at ·  Add a picture of yourself. People like to see who they are talking to.
·  Find people to follow (see below).
·  Simply read what others say to start with.
· When you’re ready, respond, ask questions, start conversations with people about their interests.
·     Share links to things of interest.

Twitter Language 

  • A comment is called a Tweet.  It is 140 characters long.  You can tweet as often as you want.
  • Following somebody on Twitter simply means receiving their Twitter updates.  You will receive a message in your Twitter home page in real time, every time the person you are following posts a message.
  • To reply to a follower and/or mention them in your tweet, use their  @ Twitter name.
  • Remember, every tweet you write can be seen by the ‘whole world’, but chances are only your followers will care about it.
  •  To send a ‘direct message’ or Tweet that only the intended recipient will see, use D at the start of your message.
  • To follow somebody, click on their name and press ‘follow’. If you no longer want to receive their updates, click ‘unfollow’ or ‘block’ to stop them following you.
  •   Links to websites in your tweets are automatically shortened to reduce characters.
  • RT or retweet is a way of ‘forwarding’ interesting tweets made by others  to your followers.
  • Hash tags # are used to tag tweets and make searching easier.  Hash tags are often used in conferences or by businesses to group all relevant tweets.
Find people to follow by:·   
    Searching by name for people you know on Twitter.
·  Click on people you are following and see who they follow.
· Use  and search with keywords.Best practice for business(adapted from·        Share Share photos and behind the scenes info about your business/interests. Even better, give a glimpse of developing projects and events. Users come to Twitter to get and share the latest!
·   Listen Regularly monitor the comments about your company, brand, interests and products.
·  Ask Ask questions of your followers to glean valuable insights and show that you are listening.
·   Respond Respond to compliments and feedback in real time
·   Reward Tweet updates about special offers, discounts and time-sensitive deals.
·   Demonstrate wider leadership and know-how. Reference articles and links about the bigger picture as it relates to your business.
·   Champion your stakeholders  Retweet and reply publicly to great tweets posted by your followers and customers.

Establish the right voice Twitter users tend to prefer a direct, genuine, and of course, a likable tone from your business, but think about your voice as you Tweet. How do you want your business to appear to the Twitter community?


शिविर : आओ अपने व्यक्तिमत्त्व को ढाले

7:10:00 PM Reporter: Vishwajeet Singh 0 Responses

आपके बच्चो ने जीवन में आज तक जो भी कमाया हैं. उससे भी ज्यादा क्षमता और ऊर्जा उसमे हैं परन्तु सुप्त अवस्था में हैं और यह उसे भी नहीं मालूम हैं. उसमे छिपी हुई प्रचंड उर्जा का इस्तेमाल उसका व समाज का जीवन समृद्ध करने के लिए हो सकता हैं. जरुरत हैं तो सिर्फ एक चिंगारी की, उस उर्जा को प्रज्वलित करने के लिए एक स्पार्क की. इसी स्पार्क के लिए आयोजित किए जाते हैं शिविर.

जीतने के लिए खुद को तैयार करने के लिए अपने गुणों की, शक्तिस्थानो की व क्षमता की सदैव खोज करनी पड़ती हैं और उन्हें प्रयत्नपूर्वक विकसित करना पड़ता हैं.  शिविर में शिबिरार्थी प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव के द्वारा जीतने के लिए खुद को विकसित करने का प्रयत्न करते हैं.

शिबिरार्थियों को विचार करने के लिए प्रवुत्त करने वाला, आत्मपरीक्षण, संवेदना तीक्ष्ण करनेवाला कृतिपूर्ण शिबिर हैं. आज के युग में चारो तरफ गुणों की स्पर्धा को पूर्णतः दूर करके जीतने के लिए खुद की खोज करनेवाला यह आनंददायी उपक्रम हैं.

शिबिर का स्वरुप कैसा होना चाहिए:  टाइट कार्यक्रम व डिसिप्लिन नही होना चाहिए. प्रातःकाल के दरम्यान सत्रों का आयोजन उचित प्रकार से होना चाहिए जिसकारण शिबिरार्थी का मन, शरीर, और वैचारिक विकास सम्बंधित प्रक्रियाएं होनी चाहिए. संध्याकाल का समय पूर्णतः विविध कार्य पूर्ण करने के लिए हो. दोपहर में वाचन, खेल, मुक्त चर्चा का कार्यक्रम हो. प्रत्यक्ष कृतिपुरक अनुभव देने वाले विविध प्रोजेक्ट शिबिरार्थी स्वतः पूर्ण करें. इसी आधार पर प्रत्येक प्रोजेक्ट में से क्या सिखा, इस विषय पर चर्चा व विश्लेषण द्वारा विचारो की स्पष्टता व प्रगल्भता अपने आप  प्रशिक्षनार्थी को हो जाएगी.

शिबिर का उद्देश्य : शिबिर पूर्ण करने पर शिबिरार्थी में  वर्तन  व परिवर्तन दिखे और उसमे वैचारिक स्पष्ठता का भी सृजन दिखाई पडे जिसकारण शिबिरार्थी का जीवन सकारात्मक तौर से आनंददायी हो सके.

जीवन का लक्ष्य? करियर कौनसे व कैसे चुनना चाहिए?  निर्धारित लक्ष्य को पूर्ण करने के लिए खुद को कैसे तैयार करना चाहिए?  स्वतः में निहित गुण व् दोषों की खोज कैसे करनी हैं? अपने गुण और दोषों का निराकरण कैसे करे?
मानसिक बल तथा आत्मविश्वास को कैसे विकसित करे?
समय का उचित व्यवस्थापन किस प्रकार करे?
वाचन,  डायरी लेखन,  मुलाखत लेना
आहार व्यायाम विषयक संकल्पना की स्पष्ठता के लिए प्रात्यक्षिक
मार्केटिंग, व्यापार, पुस्तके विक्री, अपने से भी ज्यादा जरुरतमंद तथा दुखी लोगो को ढूँढना, विविध संस्था व उपक्रम को भेंट.

 सुचना: शिबिर की सहभाग  शुल्क : तथा भोजन -निवास व्यवस्था सह सभी प्रकार की व्यवस्था पूर्ण करके ही शिबिर में सहभागी होना चाहिए.
शिबिर शुरू होने के एक घंटा पहले ही शिबिर स्थान पर पहुंचे. शिबिर की समाप्ति के दिन तथा वापस लौटने का पूर्ण व्यवस्था के साथ ही शिबिर की शुरुआत करे.

साथ में आवश्यक वस्तुएं : खुद के कपडे, आवश्यक सामान, दवाई, दो चादरे, स्कार्फ/ टोपी, पानी की बोतल, नोटबुक, पेन, ग्लास, कटोरी, थाली, टूथपेस्ट, साबुन इत्यादि आवश्यक वस्तुए साथ में अवश्य रखे.